Sika Fill 300 Thermic



  • As a thermal insulator that contributes to the reduction of temperature and condensation. It can reduce the temperature up to 20% (1)
  • Waterproofing of covers on different types of supports:

– Concrete – Mortar – Fiber cement tile – Brick Zinc tile

  • As protection in asphalt waterproofing and waterproofing in polyurethanes
  • Side walls in party walls

(1) These values ​​are an approximation that can vary depending on the type of surface and the actual conditions and their use can vary considerably, this estimate is only indicative and the actual temperature reduction could be shorter or extend beyond what was previously stated.


  • Reduction of temperature and condensation because it is a product based on a new technology with polymeric microspheres.
  • Material with low thermal conductivity and high reflectivity of solar radiation .
  • The ability to bridge cracks up to 0.7 mm .
  • Excellent impermeability to rainwater or condensation.
  • Resistant to weathering and UV rays.
  • Easy cold application.
  • Excellent coverage applied in the recommended amounts.
  • Low intensity so it generates lower product consumption compared to other waterproofing systems (acrylics, asphalts and polyurethanes)
  • Easy maintenance.


Jar 3.1 Kg

Plastic baking: 18 kg


White, grey,


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